New Delhi Male Centre | New Delhi Female Centre | Ghaziabad Male Centre
New Delhi Male Centre | New Delhi Female Centre | Ghaziabad Male Centre

Yoga and Meditation

Changing life wellness centre

Practice YOGA and MEDITATION with Professionals

Yoga meditation is the important part of a De-addiction Programme. Yoga and Meditation are one of the most powerful tools to help the person to recover from Alcohol and Drug Addiction. It has preventive, curative and also promotive qualities when we talk about mental health and especially addiction to alcohol and drugs. The Asanas while help the person gradually recover from the physical health problems and improve physical health wellbeing the meditation and breathing exercises help person develop insight into his problem and generate peace in mind

Important Aspects

Increase Concentration

Yoga and Meditation helps individual to concentrate better in his day to day life.

Peace of Mind

In Today's Fast world it is very important to maintain our Peace of mind for better results in our work and Home Life.

Spiritual Connection

It is a Spiritual journey towards recovery and it is very important to build the lost home and regain faith.

Changing Life Wellness centre has developed a perfect yoga and meditation module which is conducted by trained professional so that therapeutic aspect of Yoga and meditation as valued. The residents to get to experience ASANAAS under the supervision of trained professional PRANAYAMA( Breathing Exercises) : conducted by trained professionals which help them calm the mind and improve wellbeing. It also helps the person manage his emotions and thoughts appropriately. DHYANA( Meditation) : there are special meditation practices followed especially keeping in mind persons with alcohol and drug problem.


To find out more and begin your treatment programme as soon as possible please contact us using the number below.